Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Can quantum computer really help AI?

       In this article, I will discuss about the effect of quantum computer possibility on the future of AI. In particular, the topic of this discussion will be on weak AI (Machine learning). Based on several estimations, 2.5 exabytes of data per day is generated by us. That’s equivalent to 250,000 Libraries of Congress or the content of 5 million laptops. Every minute of every day 3.2 billion global internet users continue to feed the data banks with 9,722 pins on Pinterest, 347,222 tweets, 4.2 million Facebook likes plus ALL the other data we create by taking pictures and videos, saving documents, opening accounts and more.
Image Credit: posteriori /

      This amount of data is so big that even most recent chips and processors are still falling behind the pace of processing and analyzing all these high dimensional data. While Moore’s Law, which predicts the number of transistors on integrated circuits will double every two years, proved remarkably resilient since the term was coined in 1965, those transistors are now as small as we can make them with existing technology. That’s why there’s a race from the biggest leaders in the industry to be the first to launch a viable quantum computer that would be exponentially more powerful than today’s computers to process all the data we generate every single day and solve increasingly complex problems.
      I have attempted to find several good resources for starting with quantum programming. QISKit (Quantum Information Software Kit) is a software development kit (SDK) for working with OpenQASM and the IBM Q experience (QX). You can use QISKit to create quantum computing programs, compile them, and execute them on one of several backends (online Real quantum processors, and simulators). I think this is really cool and I have installed them by traditional Python command prompt. They have several tutorials that you can follow to understand the principles behind the scene.
     I think that quantum computer is getting more and more attention from the general public as well as funding. In 20 years from now, I think that quantum programming will be a very important factor of the development of AI as it can fundamentally change the way how we parallel training or parallel searching.


  1. Quantum computer certainly open up very interesting future for AI and all Computer Science field. i heard that quantum computer use different algorithm, and there is a trade off between accuracy and speed. I wonder if this the case, would the AI on quantum computer start acting irrational due to quantum inaccuracy, and would this make the AI more Human?

    1. I think it's interesting that you brought this up. Will quantum computing open up new possibilities or will it be the start of the singularity that everyone dreads.

  2. I found this to be very interesting. I too think that quantum computing could be a very important factor in regards to the devolpment of AI. I'm also curious how quantum computing could change other areas of technology/IT.

  3. It's crazy to think about how much information there actually is on the internet and how all that information actually has to be stored and doesn't float around in the clouds like some people might imagine. It's interesting to see the solutions people come up with to solve these issues of storage like quantum computers

  4. I think it's very fascinating how far computers have come already. With the first computers taking up an entire room to now computers being able to fit in a pocket, I think that quantum computers are very possible in 20 years, maybe even less.

  5. How far does quantum computing deviate from other forms of computing? Would this new technique in approaching data management clash with the way we currently do things? I suppose without having details on how it would work overall, there is no way to answer those questions yet, thought I'd be interested to see if this becomes a concern as the technology continues to form.

    1. I'm pretty sure it will be quite different at the lower levels, though that may or may not trickle up to where we actually deal with it. There are so many more possible states that our current way of thinking (where everything is 1s and 0s) could be very limiting with the new technology.

  6. It's possible that if quantum computers are as powerful as advertised, that a lot of programming problems in the future will get solved by brute force rather than by clever algorithm, especially since coding might become something totally different with a new architecture. Do you think that would be a bad thing, or could it make computer science more accessible to more people?

  7. It is crazy to think about how much data is really out there. Everything you do online leaves something that can be analyzed and broken down. I wonder what sorts of discoveries will be made when all of this data is able to be quickly processed.


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